Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How Nokia faded in the industry (and in my family)

I've been traditional Nokia fans for more than one decade. Every cell phone I bought since 1998 was Nokia. (my first phone is given actually). Not only me, but family and friends who seek my advise, I always recommend Nokia.Those days, if you want most advanced and most interesting phone, prime option is only Nokia. It has games like no other, user friendly menu display, and good shape.

Then new technology being adopted, and Nokia stays ahead from others. During the time Nokia enjoyed best portion of mobile communication profits.

Namely, the first camera phone, first color screen, first internal antenna, phone with install able games and apps. Never did the research, whether or not those 'first' adopter I said, but surely the first when it came to consideration.

Now, a bit sad and excited. New kind of gadget starting to brighten our days, ex Nokia fans. Gadget from green droid robot, one bite fruit, and another berry fruits starting become joins me family. However, my phone still has not changed, still a Nokia (I mean Symbian).

What's Nokia lacking is the user 'experience'. It can claim the features of other vendor/OS having, but not user experience. Number of apps in Nokia store, functionality, social connectivity and hardware specifications. Same Facebook apps, you may notice the different between Nokia (Symbian belle) and let say iPhone. The 3Mpx camera doesn't seems better then less than 1Mpx camera on iPad2. Nokia phones has offered video call years back, but never get traction until Facetime come in picture. Same Angry birds, but different feeling when it plays.

Its fate still haven't concluded, as Nokia still hoping to turn the situation with Lumia. I personally hope for the best.

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